How can I contact Easy Touch?
You can call our customer service team. The detailed contact information is available on "Contact Us" page. You can track an order, make a payment, arrange a visit, update your details and much more easily through Customer Service. Keep in touch with us on Facebook and Twitter.
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Qingdao Easy Touch Technology Co., Ltd. is a highly qualified manufacturer of frozen food vending machine and has been widely renowned for its strong manufacturing capacities. The snack vending machine series is widely praised by customers. The quality of Easy Touch wholesale vending machines is ensured. It has been tested to determine if its structure, mechanical parts are suitable for its intended use. The product is compatible with most software programs and hardware and features standardized connectivity, plug-and-play functionality, and time tested reliability.
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As an environmentally responsible company, we purposely decrease the negative influence posed on the environment. Our concerns over the earth's resources are presented by the rigorous resource utilization requirements.

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